Thursday, October 11

Michelle and her babes!!

hi everyone!! i had the amazing privilege to take some photo's of Michelle, Ryan Sean and Emma Jade!! And just one or two of Jaun!! he being so gorgeos it's impossible not to want to snap off a set of pictures when those big eyes are around!! what a blessed girl i am!
so, click on the link in the side bar, under My Pictures and go check them out for yourself!
they are so easy to take pictures of, cause they are so beautiful!
we pray a blessing over them, that they may prosper, emotionally, spiritually and have lives that bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!
Amen and Amen!

1 people said:

me..... said...

Michelle - your babes are beautiful but what I really want to say is that you are gourgeous, beautiful, stunning, amazing, awesome ...... and a lot of words I can't think of right now. Have fun with your kiddies. Love ya