Friday, July 4

my dream..

remember my other life.. the one where i'm a youth worker and i drive kids around on a semi regular basis.. at this stage i'm doing it on the back of my bakkie.. well, here she is, my dream car.. a Volkswagen Crafter it has 22 seats, reasonble great fuel consumpsion.. and i only need R460 000,00!! oh my God, i'm patiently, eagerly, excitedly, expectantly hanging in and waiting..
she is gorgeos is she not!!

4 people said:

Anonymous said...

It could give you more facts.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty bus - we pray u get one soon

Unknown said...

I Would also LOVE a bus like that! BUT It will be great if you get it first!!!
Miss you so much!
I made a video dedicated to you...
it will be on my blog soon


Anonymous said...

I saw the video... and now i am hoping to see the bus soon