Tuesday, May 6


she did it.. matyn understood the Word of God and decided to be obediant by letting herself get baptized. Uncle Pieter, the childrens she also received the gift of speaking in tongues the week before. we are so proud of her and can not wait to see what God will do in her life!

please keep her in your prayers, as growing up is not always the easiest thing to do!! she finds herself stuck in the middel of two completely differant worlds and the transgression from the one 'known' world to the completely 'unknown' is challenging for her and for us around her!! so you who love me... spread your love aroun a bit and love her..


2 people said:

Anonymous said...

Hi Maryna--I am visiting from Wilna's blog! My daughter Molly (13)has recently been confirmed (received the Holy Spirit), which sounds very much like what your daughter is experiencing! I agree with you that girls this age can use all the prayers sent their way! Of course I was no trouble at all when I was that age! ;-) How about you?

btw, I have to say that you seem to have very good taste in best friends. If Wilna is half as lovely in person as she is via the internet, you are lucky indeed to have her in your life! I can tell she feels the same way about you.

Steffi said...

Nice pictures!Your pool looks great!
