my dear, lekker, husband went to a blessing of a weekend!! he went to the Mighty Mens Confrence!! yes, the one with the guy from the patatoe farm, yes, the one on the front page of the Rapport, yes, the one with the 60 000 dirty men!!
just kidding!! they were dirty, most of them anyway, but what an amazing experiance!! he came back even more eager to talk about what God has done in his life and what he saw God do and, and, and.. for those of you who know shawn, you'll be thinking, is there enough hours in a day for shawn to talk about God even more... and beleive me when i say.. Yes, he has found more hours!!
i took some picks off the net, that Dion and Eben K took!! there are links to all their other photos if you want to go look!! pretty amazing stuff
ok, got to go,
will tell you the rest 2morrow..
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