Tuesday, February 12

i love post..

isn't it amazing how the postman always knows when the right time is to bring a parcel. Yesterday was just one of those days.. you know them! the ones where your emotions run away with you.. where suddenly everything seems out of control and bleek and just plain terrible.

well, then do you know what changes all of that!! your best friends handwriting in your postbox.. wow!! suddenly it's as if someone came and just touched all the parts that seemed dim and dead.. and there is suddenly some colour and suddenly your heart seems to take a breath again and find a way to sing through the next crisis!!

i love wilna's handwriting. i love taking my time opening it.. slowely taking the tape off, reminding myself that she put it on and she made sure every corner is covered and made sure that nothing will harm my special parcel.
i take everything apart, making sure that i didn't forget to take anything out anywhere... and then i savour everything, the smells, the sights, the words, the detail, the textures.. i know, sounds a bit 'stalker-ish'.. beleive me, i look and feel rather stalkerish while doing it also!
and for wilna, thank you my friend, i cherish every word and hold on to every promise. God bless you, my blessing friend..

2 people said:

Anonymous said...

hi my friend. i would love to see all those thingies in the cup - it looks so amazing, love to see the embelishment goodies and the totally amazing stuff that only Wilna can do. Please scan one or two or a few of the not to very personal ones that can be shared..... cos we also want to see the special stuff. not cos we just nuuskierig but cos it is so special the way Wilna does her art

Unknown said...

Now you know how much I love you!