Monday, August 27

Two more sleeps
two more sleeps
two More sleeps
2 more Sleeps
two more Sleeps
two MORE sleeps
TWO more slepps
ok, i'll stop.. just wanted to make sure your keeping up to date with the greatest countdown of the decaded.. unless i get to go visit her soon, then that will be the best countdown!!
in only 2 days i see my Wilna!!
that would then also mean that i wont be seeing you!! so i'll only blog again next week!! but rest asured.. then i will bring photos of me and my wilna for you to enjoy!!
love ya

1 people said:

Anonymous said...

My friend. Enjoy every moment - it will feel like she's just been away for a long weekend when you see her - time falls away. It is just great. Love ya lots of jellytots