Monday, August 27

Two more sleeps
two more sleeps
two More sleeps
2 more Sleeps
two more Sleeps
two MORE sleeps
TWO more slepps
ok, i'll stop.. just wanted to make sure your keeping up to date with the greatest countdown of the decaded.. unless i get to go visit her soon, then that will be the best countdown!!
in only 2 days i see my Wilna!!
that would then also mean that i wont be seeing you!! so i'll only blog again next week!! but rest asured.. then i will bring photos of me and my wilna for you to enjoy!!
love ya

Thursday, August 23

she's here!! she's here! she is really here! i'm just so excited!! i can't chat long, i'm really suppose to be working today! so i've said what i need to!! she is HERE!
Praise God for His abundant goodness in my life!!

Tuesday, August 21

it's just driving me insane!!! Wina's not blogging, 'cause she's on her way here, but now she's not here yet, so i can't phone her yet!!! i'm ganning mal!! help, distract me, bug me, upset me so i can get some work done!!
anyway, the camp, i haven't told you much.. well,what can i say, it was great. i laughed so much i had stomach pains, and i made them laugh 'till they had stomach pains!!
have you checked out my facebook yet.. you gotta, it's cool!
love ya, got to leave ya!

Monday, August 20

what a weekend!

here i am... i knew all of you couldn't wait to hear what's happening, so i decided to come and tell you.
we had a great weekend. God was faithfull, as His world says He'll be and many woman were set free from things keeping them back from the fullness God has for them
i'll talk again 2morrow,now i got to go!

Thursday, August 16

one sleep

well, i'm off to woman's camp!! usually i feel like this the friday, knowing i have to speak the saturday, but now i'm speaking friday and saturday, so i feel like this allready!!
pray, pray, pray!!
may God bring freedom to those in bondage, joy to thoose in sadness, hope to those in pits and may He bring truth to the lies and deception!!
Praise His Holy Name!
see you monday, i'll tell you all!!

Wednesday, August 15

that time again

yeah, it's blog a biekie time again. how are you out there.. missing me.. you better be.

last night we had a great time, our friend had a birthday and invited a whole bunch of us for dinner. what a feast! we had a great time! it was really a blast!

also, all is well with Creare, they are enjoying their tour and i hope they are also being blessed! we did outreaches to some schools already this week and it was great. God is faithfull in that His Spirit takes over and moves the hearts of people! He is truely good.

anyway, here are some pick of the kids, what makes you think i had some time to play with a new program.. now if only my computer didn't take 20 min to do any simple thing!

God bless you

Monday, August 13


why on earth would they be called weekends.. there is just no end between the week and the not week and the week and the not week.. it floods into each other with such spee and accuracy that i'm not even to sure we had a weekend somewhere in between..
just kidding i know there was a weekend, 'cause i got to see my friend, erika, her husbund, athur, my friends, kathrine, jessica, susan, her hubby, fanie, and a whole bunch of new friends, like nina, wesley, pieter, barco, alana, johan, some other old friends, like ilze, jen, samara, josh, willem, herman, not to mention the friends i just happen to run into.. so, let's not even begin to ask the so did you get to rest the weekend question, the answer is a resounding NO!! what i did get to do, is read my book on Friday, as my husband was colouring my hair, i'd love to take a photo and show you, but first i need to go and see if my wonderful and creative son broke my Sony Cybershot camara beyond the point of fixing it. i've decided it's a good thing i wasn't there when it happened, as i might have over reacted and now i'll just react..
matyn went with shawn and Creare to the Nogut factory at Coach House, so i hope and know she'll have a great time. She's going to get to take drama and Hip Hop classes this week, and we are both very excited about that.
also, i had the most amazing revelations and thoughts and visions about little Tamar. so much that i'm almost nervous to raise her.. what if i stuff up.. i do sometimes feel proned to stuffing up!! well, i should get some work done. i'll speak to you soon.
God bless you

Wednesday, August 8

check out facebook

hey, found anouther great place to play and visit friends.. facebook it really is alot of fun. go to the search block and find me!! you can poke me, throw me with pie, send me flowers and send me notes.. also find long lost friends.. it's fun.. check it out

it's a new day.. today is truelly a great day.. i say so, cause tomorrow is a holiday, i get to stay home, hang out with my kids, veg on couch, cuddle with my hubby and just have a great time.

and the count down is at 21 days!!

then we can look just like them!!! snoopy and charlie brown that is.

today i'm just happy to be alive, happy to be saved, happy to be healthy, happy to have a home, happy to have amazing kids, happy to have the Word of God, happy to be loved and to love.

so here is a little something something for you..

Phi 2:13 That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure.
Phi 2:14 Do everything readily and cheerfully--no bickering, no second-guessing allowed!
Phi 2:15 Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night
Phi 2:16 so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing

Monday, August 6

oh how she makes me cry.. i can't believe that after all this time, a simple memory of a simple time shared can bring back so many moments of joy, sadness, longing. i checked out Wilna's blog again today, you know, with DSL and all and was so happy to see her handing over the album she made for Becky Higgins when she was still here in SA. i cried, 'cause i remembered sitting on the blue chair, watching wilna work. holding down string to tie it. laughing while she was working and i also remember her prayer, hearts desire to one day be able to give the album to Becky herself. isn't it so amazing. amazing amazing, amazing. God is so good. He is so good.
anyway, i'm gonna go sit and cry now, talk later.

just another day

well, it's monday, but suddenly the days seem almost worth it.. oh no, that is way to mellodramatic.. all i'm trying to get to is that i'll see, hold, talk to, laugh with Wilna in only 23 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know, way to many exclimation marks, but i'm actually that and a million more excited.
and also, i'm so nervous. i feel so out of touch and lost in her life. she has so many amazing people that spend every day with her, share in her triumphs and her joys. i haven't been there in 2 years.. i am worried that i won't be able to hold up to all the other people that love and cherish her, and by right they should, she is truelly amazing..
ok, enough blabbing. my weekend was great. crowded, to much laughing, to much eating, not enough sleeping, but great. and today marks the start of two hectic weeks. actually, more like 2 hectic months! it's creare coming this weekend, womans camp next weekend, wilna visiting (have to make sure hubby will survive without me), then, we planning a youth camp in September, Joyce Meyer in Oct... it just aint slowing down. but it's all good, it keeps me out of trouble and focused. God knows what He's doing.
so, that's me.. gonna go now, talk again soon

Wednesday, August 1

Yeah, i know... i've told you this befor, but this time it's for real.. i'm back!! and why for real this time, well, 'cause now i have ADSL! so i can be on the internet the whole day.. also, i don't hog the phone line, so the music shop can still operate even while i surf the web.

so, glad to be back..
just look how they've grown...
anyway, i hope to see all of you again soon..
Wilna, please fix my blog again... pretty please... pretty